Best Chocolate Chips Cookies

best chocolate chips cookies
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When we talk about the best chocolate chips cookies, a question comes to our mind when and who invented the tasty cookies? Do you know it was originated in the 1937s by Ruth Wakefield in Whitman, Massachusetts.

What makes chocolate chips cookies famous

we can associate a range of emotions about eating chocolate chip cookies. Everyone feels nostalgic when you talk about chocolate chips cookies.

From sweet to salty to nutty when we eat the cookies they are just simply delicious. When you take it in your mouth you can explore the flavor, get crunchy nuts or chocolate chips. You can experiment with the cookies in many ways.

Why cookies are so addictive?

The researchers admit that some ingredients of the cookies have addictive ingredients. They show that Sugar and sweetness increase your cravings. You should use good quality flour and good chocolate chips, which is very important.

How to make chocolate chips cookies:

Does it make your mouth water when you think of chocolate chips cookies? Can’t wait for the recipe? Let’s see the recipe. Here are the tools and ingredients:


  1. Measuring cup
  2. Measuring spoon
  3. Spatula
  4. Mixing bowl
  5. Baking sheet
  6. Baking Tray
  7. Electric bitter or mixer
  8. Electric oven
  9. Parchment paper/ baking paper
  10. Ice-cream scooper


Total Time           Preparation Time           Cooking Time

1 Hour 10 min               30 minutes                                10-15 minutes


Dry ingredients

  1. 3 cup all-purpose flour 
  2. Then 1 cup brown sugar
  3. 1 cup white granulated sugar
  4. Again 1 teaspoon baking soda 
  5. ½ teaspoon baking powder
  6. 1 teaspoon salt
  7. 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips/ chopped chocolate
  8. 1 cup chocolate walnuts or any type of coarsely chopped nuts or if you want you can avoid it

Wet Ingredients

  1. Two large eggs at room temperature
  2. Two teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  3.  1 cup softened unsalted butter


  • First, take a large bowl.
  • Take sugar, salt, butter in the bowl. Then whisk it and make a paste with no lumps.
  • Add egg and vanilla flavor in the paste, then whisk it until the batter falls off the whisk. Give it rest for some time.
  • Stir in the flour and baking soda and add it to the mixture. at that moment fold the mixture with a spatula,(don’t overmix the batter, as this will harden the flour gluten.) 
  • Then add chocolate chunks with the dough. Roll the nuts in flour and pour into batter. keep it rest for a minimum of 30 minutes.
  • If you want toffee flavor and deep color cool the dough overnight. The longer you rest the dough, the more fascinating test you get.
  • Let’s preheat the oven to 375 F.
  • Then set the parchment paper on the baking tray.
  • Scoop the dough onto a parchment paper with an ice cream scoop, placing it at least 4 inches between the cookies and 2 inches from the edge of the pan. In this process, the cookies can be spread equally.
  • Bake it in the preheated oven for 10-12 minutes or till the edges begin to barely brown.
  • Keep them sit in the baking pan for 2 minutes before removing the cooling rack. Refrigerate on a baking sheet for a few minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.

Nutrition Fact:

  • Serving 1 cookie (1 scooper)
  • Calories: 305kcal
  • Carbohydrate: 43g
  • Protein: 4.5 g
  • Fat: 11g
  • Saturated Fat: 9g
  • Cholesterol: 45mg
  • Potassium: 50mg
  • Sodium: 255 mg
  • Fiber: 3gm
  • Sugar: 30gm
  • Calcium: 40mg
  • Iron: 2.5mg
  • Vit-A: 328IU
  • Vit-C: 5mg


You can get approximately 14 cookies if you make it with the scooper.

Don’t Overbake:

They will also show dough when you remove the cookies from the oven. The secret that makes this cookie so amazing! Please, don’t bake too much!

  • For the best result, you can bake it on the middle rack.
  •  It is best to bake one sheet at a time for even baking.

Unsalted butter:

In this recipe, we use unsalted butter. If you want you can use salted butter.

All-purpose flour:

Here we use gluten-free all-purpose flour.

Chocolate chips:

You can use the chocolate chunked or chopped chocolate instead of chocolate chips.


It fully depends on your desire. You can do this if you want to avoid it. But adding nuts tastes much better. Before you add the nut roll it with flour.

How to Freeze the Chocolate Chips Cookie Dough:

The cookie dough can be frozen for up to two to three months. You should roll the dough into balls before you freeze. Then keep the balls on the baking sheet for one hour in the freezer. After that transfer the balls in a ziplock bag and as soon as possible you should press out the extra air from the bag. When you need to bake it just take it out from the freezer and bake it and allow it 1 to 2 minutes more in the oven. You can keep the baked cookies for up to two to three months in the freezer. Before you store it in an airtight container, let the cookies cool completely. Before serving the chocolate chips cookies remove them from the container and give them some time to come to room temperature.  

Preservation Method:

You can preserve it in an airtight box in a freezer for two months. You can also store the chocolate chips cookie in an airtight box at room temperature for up to 5 days and in the freezer for two months.

Why do people love cookies so much?

For the perfect size of cookies, everyone can easily carry the cookies. It is so tasty that children to young or old man every one like the cookies very much. Give a cookie to someone who looks like they might use a good snack or be a little happy, just keep in your mind you’re sure to make a new friend for life.

Do chocolate chips cookies healthy for you:

You can call this cookie a quick source of carbohydrates that keeps your appetite away from you. For the ingredients, chocolate chips cookies are a big source of vitamin B-complex and dietary fiber. But when you get commercially manufactured chocolate chips cookies, they use preservatives and artificial sugar. It makes the cookies unhealthy. For high-calorie, overweight persons should avoid these types of snacks.


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