How to make homemade mititei

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A very well-liked Romanian meal called mititei or mici, todays we discuss the how to make homemade mititei  which both mean tiny one or little ones, consists of grilled ground meat. Additionally, it is prepared from a mixture of beef, lamb, and pig and spiced with garlic, black pepper, thyme, coriander, anise, savory, and maybe a pinch of paprika.

The dish is a favorite among BBQ fans and is the most well-known street food in Romania. Moreover, Mici are meals made with ground beef similar to cevapi and other foods from the Middle East and the Balkans. 

Typically, consumers purchase prepared and uncooked meats from local butchers and grill it at home. Even though mititei is now available in the UK,  Please give them a try so I can learn how they worked for you. 

What is mititei ?

This is a small, handmade sausage with no casing and is very distinctive. However, there is a great deal of friendliness among them. They are ideal for a picnic or barbecue, particularly when grilled and consumed immediately. Moreover, baked or fried, they will not taste the same.

Since handmade mici are made from genuine ingredients, they are of the highest quality. Therefore, knowing what is included in them is essential. In order to make them a genuine substance, nothing unpleasant should be added to them. Additionally, Many people purchase them pre-prepared because they believe they are too fancy for cooking. There is no doubt about it. Not at all!

If you keep the recipe simple, you will be able to see how lovely they turned out.

Although the recipe calls for quite a bit of fat, I have substituted ultra-lean pig mince with 5% fat and 5% fat beef mince. It’s great! A truly stunning, juicy, and delectably tasty miniature. In addition, it is healthier as well! However, this does not mean there are no tricks to creating such small objects.

Mitittei making and preparation secrets 

Making delicious mitittei or handmade sausages involves a few key ingredients.


  • A liquid must be added to the mixture in order to increase the moisture level (see ingredients).
  • The main secret components are soda bicarbonate and beer
  • Cooking the fire at a relatively rapid pace is the key to success.

More Essential Tips

  • To make the best mititei, fresh meat mince is necessary.
  • Mitittei should be cooked quickly in order to maintain their juicy and soft texture.
  • After it  has been removed from the barbecue, serve it.
  • To obtain the best flavor and taste outcomes, the combination should be placed in the refrigerator for a few hours.
  • Prepare the combination the night before if you have to sleep more than a few hours.
  • Miniatures are traditionally served with a cold beer and mustard served on their own.
  • In place you will get everything ,then you ready for going it 
  • The Romanians would chastise me for saying this, but they can be served with chips, bread, buns, or salad.


How to make homemade mititei 


  • Beef 700 grams
  • Meat (fattier-breast, neck) 300 grams
  • Water or bone soup 250-350 ml
  • Salt, 22 grams
  • A half tsp of fresh, ground black pepper
  • Thyme, grated, 1 tablespoon
  • Juniper berries, 5-6
  • Half a teaspoon of coriander beans
  • Cumin seeds grated to 1 teaspoon
  • Paprika, 2 teaspoons
  • Large garlic cloves, 5-6
  • Baking soda 1 tsp


  • Meat cubes made from beef and pork should be cut into cubes.
  • You could also skip these steps by buying minced meat from your butcher shop. Put the finest cutting plate (with smaller holes) in your meat grinder.
  • All meat, including garlic cloves, should be run through it.
  • To make the floury, flavorful powder, mortar in a pestle.
  • Put the minced meat in a proper food processor (equipped with the dough kneading hook).
  • Several minutes of vigorous kneading are required. It’s also possible to do it manually, but it’s a lot harder.
  • Start the food processor with the ground spices and baking soda over the meat.
  • Initially, the meat paste is very thick and hard to knead.
  • Knead the mixture for about 7-8 minutes until it becomes fluffy and soft. Add cold bone soup or cold water gradually.
  • When you feel that 250 or 300 ml is enough, don’t add all the liquid.
  • Refrigerate the mixture overnight after placing it in a clean bowl, covered with plastic or aluminum foil.


Is it possible to freeze minis?

Sure, feel free to proceed. However, if you are concerned that you created too much and will only be able to use some of it. Moreover, you can freeze the mixture. In a freezer bag, you can keep it frozen for up to two months. Additionally, It is possible to freeze either a chunk or a quickly produced mici. 

If you wish to create the mititei and freeze them, please ensure that they are arranged next to one another in an airtight container with parchment paper between them. After removing it from the freezer, Refrigerate it overnight so that it can defrost.

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