Best French Toast Recipe

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When you are having a cup of hot tea and coffee in the evening, you must feel like having some pieces of French toast. It is really charming to have a cup of tea or coffee while having toast that is full of snacks while you are wandering here and there beside a window or the roof of the house. But sometimes you make this appointment at home when you have a perfect tea or coffee but there is no toast at home to take with tea or coffee. 

No way, if you want to make the French toast at home it is possible because the overall process of making this snake recipe at home is not too difficult and you can make this just by following a few steps at home with your favorite color and flavor.

What is the French Toast?

When you are taking that test of French toast for the first time, it is really appreciable because no other toast is taste like this. 

Most people who are living in the UK and USA, even in the European countries always like this toast very much with their tea and coffee in the morning and in the evening with their family and friends. Now you can think about what type of food.

French toast is generally a type of slide great soak dish with beaten egg sugar and milk. The overall process of making this toast is very simple and you can make this recipe with the ingredients that you have in your kitchen.

So you do not need to buy a number of ingredients for the purpose of making this recipe at home. Many people call this recipe making with eggy bread or Bombay toast because of its size and test

Is French toast good for health?

Like others, you are a health-conscious person and you always think about taking any type of snacks before the quality of the food. 

You definitely know most people all over the world have a common behavior of taking snacks in the evening with tea and coffee. In this case, most people in the UK, USA and Europe always like to have some pieces of French toast in the evening or morning.

When you are thinking of the nutrition below this French, don’t worry because it is not harmful to your health. 

Many people may think that this food always contains a high level of fat but their conception is not always right because when you are making this recipe at home, you can minimize the ingredients that really make fat in the body.

Effective French Toast recipe

Ingredients of the French Toast

  1. 4 Large Eggs
  2. 2/3 Cup Milk
  3. 2 Teaspoons Cinnamon
  4. 8 Thick slices of 2-day-old bread
  5. Butter (can sub vegetable oil)
  6. Maple syrup
  7. 2 teaspoons freshly grated orange zest
  8. 1/4 cup triple sec
  9. Fresh berries


Never think of the pricing of the above ingredients because most of the ingredients on the above list are always available in your kitchen.

So you can make the French toast recipe at home without any difficulty because the overdrive process of making this recipe is very simple and easy. That is why you can make this recipe at home without being afraid.                                                

The method of making the French toast recipe is very simple and easy. You will be able to make this recipe at your home just by following a few steps in a short time. Let’s have a look at making this recipe.

Make the egg mixture

This is the first step of making the French toast. First, you need to have a medium size bowl. After that, you will break all the eggs and put them in the bowl and make a good mixer with egg, milk, and cinnamon. 

Then the mixer will be spread over another flat bowl. It is the most important stage of making this recipe because the smoothness of the toast always depends on this stage. So try a good mixture.

Soak the bread slices in egg mixture

This is the second step up in making this recipe. This stage is also important because it is the stage in which the toast will get a good shape. You can make that toast in various sizes and shapes. 

You can make them small, medium, and large. Among the three sizes, the medium size is perfect. In this stage, you need to place the slice of the brakes into the milk-egg mixture that will help choose so for the purpose of making a perfect toast.

Fry the French toast

This is the most important step in making this recipe with a unique taste. The frying session of this recipe is very crucial because you have to be very careful to fry the toast perfectly. 

You will not be able to get the perfect tense if you do now bake the toast in a proper way. Take a larger size of frying pan with medium heat. Put the egg mixture into the pan and the slices over it. You need to fry every piece of toast until it becomes brown in color on both sides.


This is the final day of making this recipe at home and now you can serve the hot toast with hot coffee and tea with your family and friends. You can preserve this toast for some weeks if you make it in a huge quantity. 

When it is raining cats and dogs and you are moving here and there you can take a cup of coffee or tea with this toast and have a good time with your family and friends making fun and eating it.


From the above discussion, it can be said that you have also known a lot of things about the recipe of the French toast that you like most with the coffee at your breakfast or in the evening while you are moving with your family and friends at home. The method of making this recipe at home by using the ingredients of your kitchen is very easy and simple. Enjoy the recipe with family and friends and have a good time with good food that is essential for your health.

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